Friday, April 28, 2017

I Think She Hates Me....

Hey peoples!

It feels like it's been a long while since my last post, huh?

But I was busy!  Like, busier than I've ever been before!  I had a final chemistry* exam, a chemistry assignment where I had to write a proposal to sell some new method of rust protection, a chemistry quiz, a huge review package in math, a math test, a financial plan, a community connections assignment, a Career and Life assignment, a literary analysis of something to do with turtles, tutoring almost everyday for a few hours and sometimes even twice a day, dance performances, dance practice four days a week after school, dance practice everyday at lunch, dance journals, two dance choreographies to finish, a biology test, an in-class King Lear essay on a topic I'm not sure I interpreted right, and finally, a hand-in essay inspired by A Modest Proposal.
*I don't think I need to explain how much I hate chemistry, how it's so hard for me, and how I procrastinated on doing anything in this chemistry course I'm taking online for four months (I had to teach myself the entire chemistry 12 course in about two months!)



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